Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Reading the Signs in the Diaspora

By John Thompson
President the Mackenzie Institute
ISLAND 12/03/2009

Entrenched in palm-log bunkers, with a human shield made up of tens of thousands of kidnapped Tamil civilians, the LTTE remains at bay. Worse, Prabhakaran is said to be trapped with them; it seems he didn’t run away after all.

This is not good news. Sociopathic leaders, like Hitler in the bunker or Jimmy Jones in his cult compound in Guyana, often try to take much of their world with them when faced with their own destruction.

When the objective history of the last days of the Tiger guerrilla force is written, Prabhakaran’s manipulative lack of empathy and willingness to express his willpower with the suffering and deaths of innocents will be clearly evident.

John C Thompson is the President of The Mackenzie Institute in Toronto Canada. The Institute, cited by several major Canadian newspapers as one of Canada’s leading research organizations, prides itself on its objective and independent forays into some of the most contentious issues of the day. Its work often becomes a catalyst for informed debate and major change. He directs its research into issues relating to domestic and international political instability and organized violence (e.g. terrorism, warfare, organized crime, conflict, causes of instability, political extremism, etc.) Former Intelligence Officer of the Canadian Army, Thompson was awarded the Canadian Forces Decoration in 1989. He left the service as a Captain. John is a member of Civitas, the Queen’s York Rangers Regimental Council, the Royal Canadian Military Institute – and its pistol club, Fair Vote Canada, the International Counter-Terrorism Officers Association)


  1. No worries of Prabakaran blowing hinself up with many, he is to much of a pussy ( to do that..Eventhough the press glorifies this 'elusive', 'reclusive' leader, my vocabulary translates this to a yellow bastard who hides behind the skirts of the innocent!! Hope this coward gets caught and i would love to see him beg for mercy...That animal should be drawn and quartered for the attrocities he has committed against all communities, including the Tamils, veenthough the blind mice in Toronto wouldnt necessarily agree!!

  2. According to some school of thought, catching him alive, bringing him to international courts for justice could create couple of scenarios. First can anyone TRUST these same international media that has turned a blind eye to his latest antics, won't end up making him a hero. On the other hand if he is convicted, or he kills him self he could become a martyr for many more to follow him.. I am sure you see where I am going with this...
