Does the York University belong to Canada?
That's the question many of us, including the students of the University have been wondering for the past week or so. May be all of us have been looking at this the wrong way, complaining and questioning how some student demonstrators were allowed to burn a national flag of a democratic country in a reputed National Educational Institute. Not just by any protestors, but by a group of Tamil students who dared to carry their own flag of a Terrorist group banned by the Canadian Government and it's law. We have seen the pictures, the videos and we asked these questions, albeit without any answers from the University to date. But we have realized that as bad as the burning of the Sri Lankan National flag inside a Canadian University was, the worst is what is hanging inside the corridors of that same University.
Yes Canada, you can be very proud of this Educational Institute, as it has allowed the flag of the banned LTTE Terrorist group, to be hung on their roof, along with the flags of the rest of the democratic, peace loving countries of the world. Tamil Tigers are one of the most dangerous and ruthless organization in the world, not just according to the FBI and the world, but also according to our very own CSIS and RCMP, and yet York University seems to think otherwise.
May be it's because the Toronto Police did nothing to stop this same flag being waved last Fall outside the grounds, where an International Cricket match was played. May be the Police didn't think much of it, because the City allowed it to be carried around in numerous bogus demonstrations last week, that inconvenienced the lives of many Torontonians. May be, just may be the City didn't see anything wrong with it, because the Liberal Party has the flag wrapped around their vote hungry buttocks.
Well Canada, if this trend continues it won't be long before you see this same Terrorist flag, hanging from the rafters of the Parliament Hill. Isn't it time you woke up and spoke?