Saturday, February 28, 2009

LTTE uses children for fund raising propaganda- Geneva

So you think the cause of the LTTE is noble, fighting for freedom to free their people, for equal right. They play the victims of Sri Lankan Forces atrocities, and claim they never recruited child soldiers in the battle field. So how about in propaganda? Do they influence the children hoping to spread the same hate mongering in the future generations. Below are some of the images of LTTE's propaganda machines, under numerous fake organizations that have forced the children of the Tamil Diaspora in GENEVA, to act out battle scenes in one of their so called "cultural shows". This happened last year, and even some of the Tamil diaspora who attended the event were taken aback by the sheer, audacity of the LTTE, for using children for their dirty propaganda.

Tamil kids dressed as LTTE soldiers carrying replicas of most dangerous weapons in the world, fighting and pretending to kill other Kids dressed in SL army uniforms. Is this what the Tamil culture is all about? Spreading hatred, violence with little children, who for the most part weren't even born in Sri Lanka, and never experienced any discriminations?

Click on the images below to view the enlarges versions

So are we to believe that, if the LTTE's fake front organizations are desperate enough to use children in their propaganda, that their LTTE comrades desperate for soldiers are not forcing children into the battle field? That they are not capable of doing anything, stooping to the lowest level to preserve their way of terror. The west needs to get real about this, and ask this simple question? If they can lie and deceit you like this, are they not capable of lying to you about not using innocent Tamil civilians as human shields? It's time you stop worrying about the what the Forces of a legitimate government, voted in by it's citizen and recognized by the world is doing, and start really doing something to stop Prabakaran and LTTE propaganda fronts that's using your countries, resources to promote killing!!!

Click here for the complete report!

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